Feb 24, 2024


Texting Turmoil

Texting is a fundamentally sneaky form of communication, which we should despise, but it is such a boon we don’t care. We are all sneaks now. – Lewis Lapham

Me: “Are we doing lunch tomorrow?”

Me: (six hours later} I really need to know if we are doing lunch tomorrow.”

Me: (next morning) Did you get my text? Are we doing lunch today?

Me: (Later that morning) Hello?????

Me: (Lunchtime) Well, I’m guessing we won’t be doing lunch today. Thanks for your prompt response.

We have all had text conversations like this and they can be annoying. In fact, it’s frustrating and can cause problems in a relationship. I have never been a big proponent of text messaging. I think a quick call is more efficient communication. But if you feel that texting is the way to go, here is a list of potential reasons that your respondent does not respond:

They Are Busy

Let’s face it. People are busy. Working, going to school, and raising families might prevent someone from seeing the message, much less finding the time to answer it. I’m sure their intention is to answer the message as soon as they can find a minute, but sometimes they get busy and forget. Give them some time and text them again. Better yet, pick up the phone and call.

Do Not Disturb Mode

Their phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. If they are driving or at an important meeting, they may have put their phone on silent mode to avoid interruptions. They may have even forgotten to turn it back on. Before you get angry or worried, consider your options. You can either wait and hope they will check their phone soon, or you can figure out another way to get in touch with them.

Forgotten Phone

Their phone is sitting in their car, or on the table at home. This happens more often than you might think. Be patient. You will hear from them soon.

Bad Timing

Your timing could be incredibly bad. Maybe they’re in the middle of something, fighting with a spouse, or just in a terrible mood. They will text you back when the situation improves.

No Internet

It could be they have no internet. Maybe a solar flare took out their phone service, so they have no way of knowing you are trying to contact them. Internet service is fickle at best.

They Are Avoiding You

It could be they don’t wish to talk to you. Maybe you rubbed them the wrong way or ticked them off somehow. It could even be something you said in the text you sent. Go back and look at your text. Auto-correct can say some really bizarre things sometimes.

Your Text Wasn’t Sent

Did you forget to hit “send”? I know it’s happened to me. Another reason to go back and check your text again. This one’s easy to rectify.

Avoiding Conflict

Conflict is something most people want to avoid. If you’re texting about a subject they wish to avoid, this could be their way of saying “I don’t want to discuss it.”. Pushing it any further could cause an argument. In this case it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. Wait until you can delve into it face to face.

There are many reasons your text might go unnoticed. Hold off getting mad or worried. It’s true that at times you might be undervalued, or the person has no interest in pursuing communication with you. It could even be a power move on their part. This can make you feel invalidated and insulted. Pay attention to the real message they are sending, but at the same time avoid making assumptions. Follow up the texting with a visit or a phone call. Hearing their voice or seeing their facial expressions can go a long way towards more efficient communication and help prevent misunderstandings.

Check out the following posts for more inspiration. Happy Texting!

How Handwritten Letters Can Improve Communication – Ellen Says Hi

Ghosting in Online Dating – Ellen Says Hi

Oct 13, 2015

Are Commercials Making Us Fat?

Over 33% of Americans Are FAT – Here’s Why

How are food commercials making us fat? Isn’t it our choice when we buy something? Keep reading to find out…

“Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they spend on advertising and they wouldn’t have to advertise it.”-Will Rogers (1879-1935)

It was dinner time…

I was really starting to feel the growling in the pit of my stomach, that tell-tale gnawing that lets me know it’s time to consider a nutritious bite. The television murmured in the background as I searched the cupboards and the refrigerator, but nothing seemed to tickle my fancy.
I felt drawn to the TV room and sat down, entranced by the colorful pictures, the captivating music, the flashing smiles, the descriptive words and dramatic gestures of the seemingly happy actors. The food commercials came on one after another- pizza, hamburgers, subs and chicken.
As I watched these annoying commercials, my cravings spun from one sumptuous junk food to another. I soon realized that they weren’t MY cravings at all. They were cravings generated by the hypnotic suggestions my completely open subconscious mind was absorbing. 
The TV had me in an hypnotic trance and I was willing to do it’s bidding, whatever that might be. Buy a car, eat unhealthy food, watch Survivor, take medications I don’t need, and even go to my doctor and ask for them.
I tried muting the commercials and realized that it did help, but not enough. As long as I could see the screen, I was still being persuaded. I left the room, but the cravings persisted. 
It was too late. I went to the phone and ordered a thick-crust pizza with all the toppings, and had them throw in some chicken wings for good measure. Keep in mind that I am the ONLY one at home at the time. Can you imagine me eating all of this junk food by myself?
We are all hypnotized everyday, and we don’t even realize it. Subliminal messages are filling our minds and tantalizing our taste buds! Everybody is packing on the pounds, and they have no idea why.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled among children ages 2 to 5 (5.0% to 12.4%) and ages 6 to 11 (6.5% to 17.0%). In teens ages 12 to 19, prevalence rates have tripled (5.0% to 17.6%). Obesity in childhood places your children at risk for becoming obese as adults and for other things like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some forms of cancer. 
According to MythBusters, marketing targeted at children and teenagers is a public health crisis.  Let’s all do what we can to put laws into place that will change advertising.  
What can we do to counteract the constant barrage of commercial brainwashing from boggling our minds? 
First and foremost, BE AWARE! If we know what they are doing, we can deal with it. 
There are so many things you can do now that you know the truth. Skip the movies, television and video games. Play sports, go to the gym or take up jogging. Get your children to join a soccer or baseball team. 
We must be in control of our own lives and our children’s. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with an occasional pizza, but let’s order it because we really want it, not because we are being brainwashed into submission. 

May 31, 2012

You are Feeling Very Sleepy . . .

Once upon a time . . . in the land of every little girl’s fantasy, Snow White fell into a deep sleep. An evil woman gave her a poison apple and she actually took a bite of it. Snow White could only be awakened by the kiss of a prince, and she was lucky enough to receive one. Well, I have a few questions about this story. 

1. What on earth was she thinking? How many strangers give you apples anyway, and if they did, would you eat it? It just seems unrealistic to me. 

2. OK, I will even go so far as to accept the fact that she could only be awakened by the kiss of a prince. But honestly, if you ate a poison apple, would you live to tell about it, much less, live happily ever after? And what prince would want to kiss those cold blue lips? (Yes, I have been watching too many of those television shows with murdered women lying on slabs, and it is NOT a pretty picture.)

3. Why are we teaching our little girls that they have to be rescued by men? I’m no women’s libber, but hey- we women are doing a pretty good job these days of taking care of ourselves while raising children and working. It just isn’t realistic to think that a man is going to rescue us in any way, shape or form. 

I’m sure you are asking right now, “What does this have to do with hypnosis anyway?” That is a great question. Let’s see if I can answer it. 

Snow White fell into a deep sleep. When she came out of it her life had changed for the better. She didn’t have to eat a poison apple, or be kissed by a prince to achieve this great outcome. All she needed was the courage to step forward and take control of her own life.

That is what hypnosis can do for you. If you close your eyes and look deep into your subconscious mind, you will find a wealth of resources you didn’t even know were there. Look within yourself and find what you need to make a success of your life. Have the courage to step forward and try something new. The best thing about it is that you won’t need the kiss of a Prince to seal the deal. You will simply open your eyes to a brand new world. 

Now, if you want to go around kissing princes, I’m all for it. However, please be realistic enough to understand that his kiss, no matter how hot it might be, does not have the power to rescue you from anything. You can only do that for yourself. It’s easy, it’s quick and it’s fun. So close your eyes and allow yourself to relax . . .

Aug 19, 2011

Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Losing weight can be truly difficult, and when you are desperate, you will try just about anything. Your choices might include everything from the South Beach Diet to those weight loss pills with “uncomfortable” side effects. Miracle diets that make impossible promises are everywhere, but nothing really works like a healthy eating plan and plenty of exercise. When you add hypnosis to the mix, you will have a fool proof weight loss plan.

How Does Hypnosis Help?

A Positive Focus - By focusing on the positive, hypnosis will lead you in the direction of accomplishing your weight loss goals. Hypnosis will allow you to let go of the negativity that has stopped you from succeeding in the past.
Improved Self-Image – Seeing yourself in the future as a thin, confident person gives you incentive for success.
Stress Relief – Nervous tension will cause you to snack more. Relaxation skills are helpful against this weight loss obstruction.
Healthy Eating Suggestions – You will begin to crave the right foods in the proper amounts. Your subconscious mind will override your unhealthy eating habits.

Will power is a conscious process that often fails. When you make changes at the subconscious level through hypnosis, you are able to bypass the critical factor (the conscious mind) and successfully lose weight.

Mar 10, 2011

Can Hypnosis improve your sex life? REPOST

“Can hypnosis improve your sex life?”

I received this instant message in bold red letters from a man in New York. Getting some work done on my computer, I didn’t have time to answer this question again.

I get instant messages and e-mails all the time asking me about hypno sex, the popular term used to describe sexual mind control. There are many books available on the subject, which are mostly geared toward men who think that they need help in the sexual department. I do not condone sexual mind control, as I believe it to be abusive and at times dangerous. Although a person will do under hypnosis only what they would do otherwise, hypnosis should never be used without the consent of the person being hypnotized.

Hypnosis can enhance sex in many ways, and it’s worth a try as long as you have ruled out any kind of physical problem with your medical doctor. If your problem is purely psychological, a visit to a good hypnotherapist will get you well on your way to a more enjoyable and satisfactory experience.

Hypnosis will help to decrease anxiety, increase confidence, lower inhibitions and heighten arousal. It can also be used to improve problems with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and impotence. Sometimes it will only take a few direct suggestions to improve your problem dramatically. However, you could require more intense therapy such as a regression session, which will take you to the root of the problem.

Always go to a qualified professional for hypnosis. There are many safety issues that a hypnotist has been trained to deal with, and an amateur has not. Just as you would only go to a medical doctor for medical treatments, you should think twice about allowing a non-professional to perform hypnosis on you.